How To Deal With Anxiety?If you are you are worried about anxiety, panic attacks and phobias, then you
Discover How Unlock The Power To Your Mind To Become The Authentic YOU!
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Do you want to quickly 'unlock the power of your mind' and automatically easily do the things you feel frustrated with?
I use a powerful combination of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, coaching, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and thought pattern management (TPM) to help you over come phobias, fears, anxiety and empower YOU to confidently regain control of your life, so you are aligned with “your authentic self” and have inner peace.
Start to become Your Authentic Self Today..
Watch A Powerful Hypnosis Session In Action
If You're Feeling 'Stuck' ,Then This Is What You Need To Do Next..
Unlock The Power Of Your Mind And Discover How To Become Your Authentic Self
Authentic Alignment
Steps You Need For Successful Change
Quickly identify and remove your traumas and emotional blockages.
Begin to experience peace of mind.
Collapse old limiting beliefs and easily create new supporting beliefs.
Release 'secondary gain' and unwanted negative unconscious automatic behaviours.
That self sabotaging behaviour that has been holding you back!
Create new beneficial automatic behaviours that serve you.
Start feeling confident to take the right action to feel successful and fulfilled.
Your Authentic Self
That self sabotaging behaviour that has been holding you back is gone!
You are feeling confident and take the right action positively.
You have a sense of inner peace!
What my clients are saying:
Sports Confidence...
Rhys Enoch // Professional Golfer
About Me: Gary Kellett Mindset Coach and Hypnotherapist
I'm Gary Kellett and passionate about helping people like you quickly overcome unconscious blockages that have held them back by "Unlocking The Power Of Your Mind".
You become authentically aligned to the real you and begin the journey to achieve the results you dream about.
Gary is a fully qualified coach, NLP Master Practitioner and clinical hypnotherapist. I've been working with private clients since 2006.
Don't miss out on this...
Here's a post from my blog that will help you :
FREE Hypnosis Recording.. Silence Your Mind And Feel More Relaxed!
Sign up below to get instant access to this free hypnotherapy recording:
Hypnotherapy is an effective therapy that utilises hypnosis to access the client's unconscious mind to encourage beneficial change to occur: as simple as that! When administered by a professionally trained and qualified hypnotherapist the aim is to bring about lasting therapeutic changes for you. Hypnotherapy can treat and relieve a wide range of conditions and symptoms, alter unwanted behaviour patterns and create new ones, as well as being used creatively to enhance sporting, academic and other types of personal performance.
Hypnosis is completely natural and safe. There are no harmful side effects and the experience is characterised by a pleasant feeling of relaxation, a natural state of mind that everyone has experienced many times, just like daydreaming. It is a state of altered awareness and while in hypnosis our unconscious mind is more receptive to suggestions. This enables beneficial changes to take place. We drift in and out of different levels of awareness many times a day; have you ever daydreamed, been so absorbed in a book that you are unaware of your surroundings and can hear the characters and visualise the scenery.
Have you been so involved in something that you have lost track of time, or have you ever driven from one place to another and are not really sure how you got there? If your answer is "yes many times" then you have experienced hypnosis.
A person experiences hypnosis in the form of a "trance state". Trances can be very useful clinically. In such a sleep like state, a person can be very open to new and creative ways of looking at things because rational logic and old, restrictive, psychological defences can be bypassed. To experience a deep trance therapeutically, of course, you need a hypnotherapist to direct the process, because your own conscious processes just can't function when so deeply relaxed.
You can, induce a lighter trance all by yourself; this is called self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis can be induced by listening to relaxation CDs; it can be induced by creating your own visual imagery; it can be induced by meditation or Progressive Muscle Relaxation. In all of these cases you experience a moderate level of relaxation while maintaining a certain conscious awareness that continues to direct the self-hypnosis process by which you offer to yourself.
No one can be hypnotised against their will and no one can be forced to do things while under hypnosis that they do not want to do. Many people have misconceptions about hypnosis and believe that they will be 'put under' and 'lose control'. Hypnosis is a safe and pleasant experience and you will not do or say anything that you don't want to. You are always aware of what is happening and are always in control.
Firstly, get in touch with me from my Contact Me page. We can arrange for a convenient time to call you and have a FREE strictly confidential chat how best to help you. Go to the Contact Me page.